The Gift of Gratitude - The "Why" Behind Gratis Company

I have a life coach. Yup! It’s true. I have a person who I chat with twice a month about my goals, my life, what I do and don’t do about certain things, and (most importantly) Why. WHY? The big question that everyone from businesses, to entrepreneurs and individuals should be asking themselves. Why am I in business? Why do I want to launch this e-course? Why am I still working my 9 to 5 when I really want to start my own company? The list goes on and on.

However the fact that you are even asking questions is a step in the right direction. Once you start digging a little deeper into your beliefs, your business, and your goals you may realize that a lot of what you do is based on things that happened years ago, lies you tell yourself, and just straight up fear. I can definitely relate to the fear part of the equation. I have a ton of fear surrounding everything from making enough money as a business owner to whether or not I should let my five-year-old go to a trampoline park! Lol! I guess I am just a “worrier”. It’s what I do. I am working on it though because I now recognize how much it has held me back in my life and in pursuing my dreams of owning my own business.

This brings me to Gratis Company, the business that is pulling me out of my fear of stagnation and into the thrilling fear of entrepreneurship.  Do you know that it took me 2 years to get up the courage to officially launch Gratis Company? Probably not, how would you? My friends and family do though. I am sure that many people around me can recall at least one conversation they have had with me that revolved around encouragement to “just do it”, assuring me that I was “more than prepared”... I just couldn’t make myself take the leap. Until now!

 I am so grateful for those people who never let me give up on myself and this business. Who were patient with me as I drug my feet through the entire process, sat on amazing graphic design for about a year (sorry Jordan!) before releasing it into the world, and just all around hemmed and hawed until I finally decided to launch. These amazing people kept this little flame of a company alive when my fear of failure was threatening to snuff it out.

My gratitude for my support system informs the “Why” behind my business. I have a deep (almost palpable) understanding of the importance of people and how life changing and life giving people can be. There is no place that that is truer than in business. Your team and your clients are the ones who will ultimately decide if your business is booming or if your doors are closing. Gratitude is one of my core life values and I want to help entrepreneurs and businesses infuse that into every interaction that they have. Whether the interaction is interoffice, business to business or business to client, being grateful for the people that positively impact your company and showing that gratitude in an innovative way should be a key business strategy for growth and overall success within any company. 

I encourage you to start building deeper more meaningful connections in your business through showing gratitude. A simple thank you card sent to your virtual assistant, a special gift sent out to your repeat clients or bottle of champagne to congratulate another business on a winning a project bid are all ways to infuse gratitude into your business. If you don’t know where to start, reach out to us! This business is here to help you do just that. As our tag line says, intentional touch points can truly create dynamic relationships! Get grateful my friends!

Ruth Simpson